PDF Products
PDF Printer
A FREE PDF Printer that allows you to print to a PDF document from any Microsoft Windows application. Supports Microsoft Terminal Server and Citrix Metaframe environments.
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PDF Studio
PDF Studio is a fully functional viewer, merger, splitter for PDF documents. It supports viewing, searching, printing, merging, splitting, and rearranging PDF documents... and it is FREE.
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Print To Word
Install a virtual printer that creates a Microsoft Word document instead of a piece of paper. Print from your favorite Windows application directly to a .doc file and edit the content.
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Database Products
Access To MySQL
This utility will help you move the data from an Access database to a MySQL database. You can move the data and table definitions directly or you can create SQL dump files for later use.
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Access To PostgreSQL
This utility will help you move the data from an Access database to a PostgreSQL database. You can move the data and table definitions directly or you can create SQL dump files for later use.
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Database Find and Replace
Find and Replace text in MySQL, Microsoft Access, or Microsoft SQL databases. Use advanced features such as wildcards and regular expressions.
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